fgchkaircraft.pl to HTML.

index -|- end

Generated: Mon Aug 29 19:34:27 2016 from fgchkaircraft.pl 2016/08/20 47.1 KB. text copy

#!perl -w
# NAME: fgchkaircraft.pl
# AIM: Check 'data/Aircraft' folder for valid aircraft ...
# 09/10/2014 - UGH: Excluded some because 'Only XML version 1.0 supported. Saw: '1.1''
# 17/03/2013 - Output to CSV, or json
# 22/12/2012 - Output the MAXIMUM aircraft name
# 25/06/2012 - Review, and UI improvements
# 07/12/2008 - added 'status'
# 11/7/2008 - geoff mclane - http://geoffair.net/fg
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Basename;  # split path ($name,$dir,$ext) = fileparse($file [, qr/\.[^.]*/] )
use XML::Simple;
use Data::Dumper;
my $os = $^O;
my $perl_dir = '/home/geoff/bin';
my $PATH_SEP = '/';
my $temp_dir = '/tmp';
if ($os =~ /win/i) {
    $perl_dir = 'C:\GTools\perl';
    $temp_dir = $perl_dir;
    $PATH_SEP = "\\";
unshift(@INC, $perl_dir);
require 'lib_utils.pl' or die "Unable to load 'lib_utils.pl' Check paths in \@INC...\n";
require 'lib_xml.pl' or die "Unable to load 'lib_xml.pl' Check paths in \@INC...\n";
### require 'fgutils.pl' or die "Unable to load fgutils.pl ...\n";
### require 'fgscanvc.pl' or die "Unable to load fgscanvc.pl ...\n";
# log file stuff
our ($LF);
my $pgmname = $0;
if ($pgmname =~ /(\\|\/)/) {
    my @tmpsp = split(/(\\|\/)/,$pgmname);
    $pgmname = $tmpsp[-1];
my $outfile = $temp_dir.$PATH_SEP."temp.$pgmname.txt";

# user variables
my $VERS = "0.0.4 2013-04-04";
###$VERS = "0.0.3 2012-06-25";
my $load_log = 0;
my $verbosity = 0;
my $fg_root = '';
my $in_folder = '';
my @warnings = ();
my $tempxml = $temp_dir.$PATH_SEP.'tempxml2.xml';
# ===================================================
my $out_xml = $temp_dir.$PATH_SEP.'tempxml.xml';
my $out_csv = $temp_dir.$PATH_SEP.'tempcsv.csv';
my $out_json = $temp_dir.$PATH_SEP.'tempjson.json';
my $out_mods = $temp_dir.$PATH_SEP.'tempmods.txt';
my $out_sets = $temp_dir.$PATH_SEP.'tempsets.csv';
# ===================================================
my $pretty_json = 1;
my $input_air_text = 'C:\FG\17\air-list.txt';
my $out_air_xml = $temp_dir.$PATH_SEP.'tempair.xml';
my $out_air_csv = $temp_dir.$PATH_SEP.'tempair.csv';
my $out_air_json = $temp_dir.$PATH_SEP.'tempair.json';

my $ord_byfdm = 0;
my $ord_author = 0;
my $ord_status = 0;
my $add_model_file = 1;
my $debug_on = 1;
my $def_root = 'D:\FG\fgaddon';
##my $def_root = 'C:\FG\fgdata';
##my $def_file = $def_root.'\Aircraft\747-200\747-200-set.xml';
##my $def_file = 'C:\FG\fgdata\Aircraft\AG-14\AG-14-set.xml';
my $def_dir = $def_root.$PATH_SEP.'Aircraft';
###my $def_dir = 'C:\FG\fgdata-2.9.0\Aircraft';
my $dbg_cac01 = 0;   # show information during processing ...
my $dbg_cac02 = 1;   # write a tempxml.txt file of all files processed
my $dbg_cac03 = 1;   # show FAILED folders
my $dbg_cac04 = 0;   # show warning, even when NO warnings
my $dbg_cac05 = 0;  # show entry and exit of stages

# program variables
my ($act_name,$act_dir);

my %air_hash = ();

# Cub-set.xml f104-set.xml excluded because they are XML 1.1
my %skip_files = (
    'SenecaII-panelonly-set.xml' => 1,
    'Cub-set.xml' => 1,
    'f104-set.xml' => 1,
    'J3Cub-set.xml' => 1,
    'NTPS-Eng-set.xml' => 1,
    'Pterosaur-set.xml' => 1

sub is_a_skip_file($) {
    my $fil = shift;
    if (defined $skip_files{$fil}) {
        return 1
    return 0;

sub VERB1() { return $verbosity >= 1; }
sub VERB2() { return $verbosity >= 2; }
sub VERB5() { return $verbosity >= 5; }
sub VERB9() { return $verbosity >= 9; }

sub show_warnings {
   my ($dbg) = shift;
    if (@warnings) {
        prt( "\nGot ".scalar @warnings." WARNINGS ...\n" );
        foreach my $line (@warnings) {
            prt("$line\n" );
    } elsif ($dbg || $dbg_cac04) {
        prt("No warnings issued.\n");

sub pgm_exit($$) {
    my ($val,$msg) = @_;
    if (length($msg)) {
        $msg .= "\n" if (!($msg =~ /\n$/));

sub prtw {
    my ($tx) = shift;
    if ($tx =~ /\n$/) {
        $tx =~ s/\n$//;
    } else {

sub mycmp_decend_asc {
   if (${$a}[0] lt ${$b}[0]) {
      # prt( "+[".${$a}[0]."] lt [".${$b}[0]."]\n" ) if $verb3;
      return 1;
   if (${$a}[0] gt ${$b}[0]) {
      # prt( "-[".${$a}[0]."] gt [".${$b}[0]."]\n" ) if $verb3;
      return -1;
   # prt( "=[".${$a}[0]."] = [".${$b}[0]."]\n" ) if $verb3;
   return 0;

sub mycmp_ascend_asc {
   return -1 if (${$a}[0] lt ${$b}[0]);
   return 1 if (${$a}[0] gt ${$b}[0]);
   return 0;
sub mycmp_ascend_asc_nc {
   return -1 if (lc(${$a}[0]) lt lc(${$b}[0]));
   return 1 if (lc(${$a}[0]) gt lc(${$b}[0]));
   return 0;

sub mycmp_ascend_a5 {
   return -1 if (${$a}[5] lt ${$b}[5]);
   return 1 if (${$a}[5] gt ${$b}[5]);
   return 0;

sub mycmp_ascend_a4 {
   return -1 if (${$a}[4] lt ${$b}[4]);
   return 1 if (${$a}[4] gt ${$b}[4]);
   return 0;

sub mycmp_ascend_a3 {
    return -1 if (${$a}[3] lt ${$b}[3]);
    return 1 if (${$a}[3] gt ${$b}[3]);
    return 0;

# sort Aa - Zz
sub mycmp_nocase {
   return 1 if (lc($a) gt lc($b));
   return -1 if (lc($a) lt lc($b));
   return 0;

### CSV format
# Some 'rules'
# 1: Trimmed text only
# 2: Add double quotes only if string contains '"' or ',' chars
# 3: If contains double quotes, then these are doubled
sub get_csv($) {
    my $txt = shift;
    $txt = trim_all($txt);
    if (($txt =~ /,/)||($txt =~ /"/)) {
        my ($len,$ntxt,$c,$i);
        $len = length($txt);
        $ntxt = '"'; # open double quotes
        for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
            $c = substr($txt,$i,1);
            $ntxt .= '"' if ($c eq '"'); # double up any double quotes
            $ntxt .= $c;    # add character
        $txt = $ntxt . '"'; # add close double quotes
    return $txt;

### json format
# Characters '"', '\', and '/' are escaped with '\'
sub get_json($) {
    my $txt = shift;
    my $len = length($txt);
    my ($i,$ch);
    my $json = '';
    for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
        $ch = substr($txt,$i,1);
        $json .= "\\" if (($ch eq '"')||($ch eq "\\")||($ch eq '/')) ;
        $json .= $ch;
    return $json;

### xml format
# Characters '"', '\', and '/' are escaped with '\'
sub get_xml($) {
    my $txt = shift;
    my $len = length($txt);
    my ($i,$ch);
    my $xml = '';
    for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
        $ch = substr($txt,$i,1);
        $xml .= "\\" if (($ch eq '"')||($ch eq "\\")||($ch eq '/')) ;
        $xml .= $ch;
    return $xml;

sub get_model_file($);

sub get_model_file($) {
    my ($inf) = @_;
    prt("Processing [$inf]...\n") if (VERB9());
    if (! -f $inf) {
        prtw("WARNING: Can NOT locate [$inf]!\n");
    my $xml = XMLin($inf);
    my ($ff,$sim,$mod,$tmp);
    my ($name,$dir) = fileparse($inf);
    my $rt = ref($xml);
    my $path = '';
    if ($rt eq 'HASH') {
        if (defined ${$xml}{'sim'}) {
            $sim = ${$xml}{'sim'};
            $rt = ref($sim);
            if ($rt eq 'HASH') {
                if (defined ${$sim}{'model'}) {
                    $mod = ${$sim}{'model'};
                    $rt = ref($mod);
                    if ($rt eq 'HASH') {
                        if (defined ${$mod}{'path'}) {
                            $path = ${$mod}{'path'};
                            $rt = ref($path);
                            if ($rt eq 'HASH') {
                                $path = '';
                            } elsif ($rt eq 'ARRAY') {
                                $path = '';
                    } elsif ($rt eq 'ARRAY') {
                        foreach $tmp (@{$mod}) {
                            $rt = ref($tmp);
                            if ($rt eq 'HASH') {
                                if (defined ${$tmp}{'path'}) {
                                    $path = ${$tmp}{'path'};
                                    $rt = ref($path);
                                    if ($rt eq 'HASH') {
                                        $path = '';
                                    } elsif ($rt eq 'ARRAY') {
                                        $path = '';
                                    } else {
                    } else {
                        prt("\$mod = \${\$xml}{'sim'}{'model'}; NOT a HASH/ARRAY! got [$rt]\n");
                } elsif (defined ${$xml}{'include'}) {
                    my $inc = ${$xml}{'include'};
                    prt("Got an include file [$inc]\n") if (VERB9());
                    $rt = ref($inc);
                    if ($rt eq '') {
                        $ff = $fg_root.$PATH_SEP.$inc;
                        $ff = $dir.$inc;
                        if (-f $ff) {
                            return get_model_file($ff);
                        if (-f $ff) {
                            return get_model_file($ff);
                    } else {
                        prt("Found 'include' as [$rt]\n") if (VERB9());
                #} else {
                #    prt("\$sim = \${\$xml}{'sim'}{'model'}; NOT defined\n");
                prt("\${\$xml}{'sim'}{'model'} nor {'include'}; NOT defined\n") if (length($path) == 0);
            } else {
                prt("\$sim = \${\$xml}{'sim'}; NOT a HASH! got $rt\n");
        } else {
            prt("Failed to find 'sim' in the HASH ref from $inf!\n");
    } else {
        prt("Failed to get a HASH ref from $inf! got $rt\n");
    #if (defined ${$xml}{'sim'}{'model'}{'path'}) {
    #    my $path = ${$xml}{'sim'}{'model'}{'path'};
    if (length($path)) {
        $ff = $fg_root.$PATH_SEP.$path;
        if (-f $ff) {
            my ($n2,$d2,$e2) = fileparse($ff, qr/\.[^.]*/);
            if ($e2 eq '.ac') {
                prt("Got MODEL .ac file $ff\n") if (VERB9());
                ###system("ac3dview $ff");
                return $ff;
            } else {
                prt("Loading MODEL XML $ff\n") if (VERB9());
                my $xml2 = XMLin($ff);
                if (defined ${$xml2}{'path'}) {
                    my $path2 = ${$xml2}{'path'};
                    my $ff2 = $d2.$path2;
                    if (-f $ff2) {
                        prt("Got MODEL .ac file $ff2\n") if (VERB9());
                        return $ff2;
                    } else {
                        prt("Failed to find 'path' in $ff\n");
                } else {
                    prt("Failed to find 'path' in $ff\n");
        } else {
            prt("Failed to find model file $ff\n");
    } else {
        prt("Failed to find \${\$xml}{'sim'}{'model'}{'path'}) in $inf!\n");
    return "";

# Output of the HASH reference in various forms
sub show_hash_ref {
   my ($hr) = shift;
   my ($key, $val, $itm, $msg, $max, $i, $len, $maxname, $csv,$json,$indent);
    my ($n1,$d1,$n2,$d2,$i2,$rate);
   my $maxlen = 10;
   my $desc = '';
   my $auth = '';
   my $fdm  = '';
   my $dir  = '';
   my $txt  = '';
    my $stat = '';
    my $ord  = '';
    my $mfil = '';
   my $mxline = 75;
   my $mxfdm = 7;
    if ($ord_byfdm) {
        $ord = "FDM";         # @oks = sort mycmp_ascend_a4 @ok;
    } elsif ($ord_author) {
        $ord = "AUTHOR";      #@oks = sort mycmp_ascend_a3 @ok;
    } elsif ($ord_status) {
        $ord = "STATUS";      #@oks = sort mycmp_ascend_a5 @ok;
    } else {
        $ord = "Alphabetic";    #@oks = sort mycmp_ascend_asc_nc @ok;
    $maxname = '';
   $key = 'OK';
   if (defined $$hr{$key}) {
      $val = $$hr{$key};
      $max = scalar @{$val};
      for ($i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) {
         $itm = $$val[$i][0];
         $fdm  = $$val[$i][4];
            $len = length($itm);
            if ($len > $maxlen) {
                $maxlen = $len;
                $maxname = $itm;
         $mxfdm = length($fdm) if (length($fdm) > $mxfdm);

    # 14bis , fdm=<def.>  , <unknown>, desc=14bis Santos DUMONT, auth=Emmanuel BARANGER (3D), dir=C:\FG\fgdata\Aircraft\14bis\14bis-set.xml
    # 757-200,fdm=yasim, alpha, desc=Boeing 757-200, auth=Liam Gathercole (3d), Skyop (FDM, instruments, systems, etc.), Isais Prestes (3d cockpit shell), 
    # dir=C:\FG\fgdata\Aircraft\757-200\757-200-set.xml

    $csv = "aero,status,rating,fdm,description,authors,set_file";
    $csv .= ",model_file" if ($add_model_file);
    $csv .= "\n";

    $json = '{"success":true,"generator":"'.$pgmname.'","updated":"'.lu_get_YYYYMMDD_hhmmss_UTC(time()).' UTC",'."\n";
    $json .= '"aircraft":['."\n";
    $indent = '   ';

    my $xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";

    my %mod_dupes = ();
    my $new_line = 1;
   foreach $key (keys %{$hr}) {
      $msg = '';
      $val = $$hr{$key};
      $max = scalar @{$val};
      $desc = '';
      $txt = '';
      prt( "\n$key aircraft = $max, ordered by $ord\n" );
        $xml .= "<air_list count=\"".$max."\">\n";
      for ($i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) {
            $i2 = $i + 1;
            #               0    1    2      3      4     5        6        7           8
         #push(@failed, [$fl, $fl, $desc, $auth, $fdm, $status, $rating, \@includes, $model_file]);
         #push(@failed, [$fl, $fl, "",     "",    "",   "",      ""]);
         $itm  = trim_all($$val[$i][0]);
         $dir  = trim_all($$val[$i][1]);
         $desc = trim_all($$val[$i][2]);
         $auth = trim_all($$val[$i][3]);
         $fdm  = trim_all($$val[$i][4]);
            $stat = trim_all($$val[$i][5]);
            $mfil = ${$val}[$i][8];
         if ($key eq 'OK') {
                $mod_dupes{$mfil} = 1 if (length($mfil));
                $rate = trim_all($$val[$i][6]);
                $csv .= get_csv($itm).',';
                $csv .= get_csv($stat).',';
                $csv .= get_csv($rate).',';
                $csv .= get_csv($fdm).',';
                $csv .= get_csv($desc).',';
                $csv .= get_csv($auth).',';
                ($n1,$d1) = fileparse($dir);
                $d1 =~ s/(\\|\/)$//;
                ($n2,$d2) = fileparse($d1);
                $d2 = $n2.'/'.$n1;
                $csv .= get_csv($d2);
                $csv .= ','.get_csv($mfil) if ($add_model_file);
                $csv .= "\n";

                if ($pretty_json) {
                    $json .= $indent.'{'."\n";
                    $json .= $indent.'"aero":"'.get_json($itm).'"';
                    if (length($stat)) {
                        $json .= ',';
                        $json .= "\n";
                        $json .= $indent.'"status":"'.get_json($stat).'"';
                    if (length($rate)) {
                        $json .= ',';
                        $json .= "\n";
                        $json .= $indent.'"rating":"'.get_json($rate).'"';
                    if (length($fdm)) {
                        $json .= ',';
                        $json .= "\n";
                        $json .= $indent.'"fdm":"'.get_json($fdm).'"';
                    if (length($desc)) {
                        $json .= ',';
                        $json .= "\n";
                        $json .= $indent.'"desc":"'.get_json($desc).'"';
                    if (length($auth)) {
                        $json .= ',';
                        $json .= "\n";
                        $json .= $indent.'"authors":"'.get_json($auth).'"';
                    if (length($d2)) {
                        $json .= ',';
                        $json .= "\n";
                        $json .= $indent.'"file":"'.get_json($d2).'"';
                    if ($add_model_file && length($mfil)) {
                        $json .= ',';
                        $json .= "\n";
                        $json .= $indent.'"model":"'.get_json($mfil).'"';
                    $json .= "\n";
                    $json .= $indent.'}'."\n";
                    $json .= $indent.',' if ($i2 < $max);
                    $json .= "\n";
                } else {
                    $json .= '{"aero":"'.get_json($itm).'"';
                    $json .= ',"status":"'.get_json($stat).'"' if (length($stat));
                    $json .= ',"rating":"'.get_json($rate).'"' if (length($rate));
                    $json .= ',"fdm":"'.get_json($fdm).'"' if (length($fdm));
                    $json .= ',"desc":"'.get_json($desc).'"' if (length($desc));
                    $json .= ',"authors":"'.get_json($auth).'"' if (length($auth));
                    $json .= ',"file":"'.get_json($d2).'"' if (length($d2));
                    $json .= ',"model":"'.get_json($mfil).'"' if (length($mfil) && $add_model_file);
                    $json .= '}';
                    $json .= ',' if ($i2 < $max);
                    $json .= "\n" if ($new_line);

                # build XML
                $xml .= "<aircraft";
                $xml .= ' aero="'.get_xml($itm).'"';
                $xml .= ' status="'.get_xml($stat).'"' if (length($stat));
                $xml .= ' rating="'.get_xml($rate).'"' if (length($rate));
                $xml .= ' fdm="'.get_xml($fdm).'"' if (length($fdm));
                $xml .= ' desc="'.get_xml($desc).'"' if (length($desc));
                $xml .= ' authors="'.get_xml($auth).'"' if (length($auth));
                $xml .= ' file="'.get_xml($d2).'"' if (length($d2));
                $xml .= ' model="'.get_xml($mfil).'"' if (length($mfil) && $add_model_file);
                $xml .= "/>\n";

                # just for DISPLAY ONLY
            $dir = '<same>' if ($itm eq $dir);
            $itm .= ' ' while (length($itm) < $maxlen);
            $desc = '<none>' if (length($desc) == 0);
            $auth = '<unknown>' if (length($auth) == 0);
            $fdm  = '<def.>' if (length($fdm) == 0);
            $fdm .= ' ' while (length($fdm) < $mxfdm);
                $stat  = '<unknown>' if (length($stat) == 0);
            prt("$itm , fdm=$fdm , $stat, desc=$desc, auth=$auth, dir=$dir\n");
         } else {
            $txt .= ', ' if length($txt);
            $txt .= "[$itm]";
            if (length($txt) > $mxline) {
               $msg .= "$txt\n";
               $txt = '';
        $xml .= "</air_list>\n";
      if ($key eq 'FAILED') {
         if ($dbg_cac03) {
            $msg .= $txt if length($txt);
            prt( "No Aircraft/folder/<aircraft>-set.xml file found in ...\n" );
            prt( "$msg\n" );
      prt( "$key listed $max by $ord\n" );
    $json .= "]}\n";
    prt("Maximum arcraft name length is $maxlen for [$maxname]\n");

    my @arr = sort mycmp_nocase keys( %mod_dupes );
    my $mods = '';
    foreach $mfil (@arr) {
        $mods .= "$mfil\n";
    if (length($mods)) {
        prt("MODELS found written to [$out_mods]\n");
    prt("XML output written to [$out_xml]\n");
    prt("CSV output written to [$out_csv]\n");
    prt("JSON output written to [$out_json]\n");

### Process ONE folder seeking -
# (a) sub-directories to recursively process that folder
# (b) find '*-set.xml' files, and 
#     1: push the 'air' part of (air)-set.xml to @{$aircraft}
#     2: push the full path to the file       to @{$setfil}
# ============================================================
sub process_folder($$$$) {
    my ($ff, $setfiles, $aircraft, $lev) = @_;
    my ($df, $setfil, $air, @dfiles);
    my @dirs = ();
    if ( opendir( DIR, $ff) ) {
        @dfiles = readdir(DIR);
        close DIR;
        foreach $df (@dfiles) {
            next if (($df eq '.') || ($df eq '..'));
            next if ($df eq 'CVS');
            next if ($df eq '.svn');
            next if (is_a_skip_file($df));
            $setfil = $ff . "\\" . $df;
            if (-d $setfil) {
                # skip directories, OR
            } elsif ($lev == 0) {
                if ($df =~ /^(.+)-set.xml$/) {
                    $air = $1;      # got an <aircraft>-set.xml file
    foreach $ff (@dirs) {
        process_folder( $ff, $setfiles, $aircraft, $lev + 1 );

# expect like 
#      <rating>
#         <FDM type="int">3</FDM>
#         <systems type="int">3</systems>
#         <cockpit type="int">4</cockpit>
#         <model type="int">4</model>
#      </rating>
# probably SHOULD check the ORDER, but for now....
sub get_rate_num($) {
    my $txt = shift;
    $txt = trim_all($txt);
    if ($txt =~ /</) {
        return '';
    return $txt;

### process an XML set file
sub process_set_file($$$) {
    my ($setfil,$rok,$air) = @_;
    my $desc = '';
    my $auth = '';
   my $fdm  = '';
    my $status = '';
    my %lnmap = ();
   my ($lnnum, $xln, @attribs, %atthash, $tag);
    my ($inc,$ff);
    my %hash = ();
    ($act_name,$act_dir) = fileparse($setfil);
    $air = $act_name;
    $air =~ s/-set.xml$//;
   prt("Processing $setfil file...\n") if (VERB1());
    my $rating = '';
    my @includes = ();
    my $model_file = '';
   if (open INF, "<$setfil") {
        my @lines = <INF>;
      close INF;
        my $xlncnt = scalar @lines;
      @lines = xml_array_to_lines(\%lnmap, @lines); # this re-lines the array
      my $lncnt = scalar @lines;
        if ($dbg_cac02) {   # this is really ONLY FOR DEBUG
            append2file( "\n<!-- FILE: $setfil, $lncnt lines -->\n",$tempxml );
            append2file( join("\n",@lines),$tempxml );
            append2file( "\n",$tempxml );
            prt("Written $lncnt xml lines to [$tempxml]\n") if (VERB9());
        my $inpl = 0;
        my $insim = 0;
        my $indesc = 0;
        my $inauth = 0;
        my $infdm = 0;
        my $instatus = 0;
        my $lnnum = 0;
        my $inrating = 0;
        my $inmodel = 0;
        my $inpath = 0;
        my $modfile = '';
        my $inident = 0;
        my ($line);
        $model_file = get_model_file($setfil) if ($add_model_file);
        # process an XML file, line by line
        foreach $line (@lines) {
            $xln = $lnmap{$lnnum};
            @attribs = space_split($line);   # split on 'space', but honour quoted text
            $tag = $attribs[0];
            prt("$xln: tag [$tag] line [$line]\n") if ($dbg_cac05);
            if ($tag && length($tag)) {
                if ($inpl) {
                    if ($tag =~ /^<\/PropertyList/) {
                        $inpl = 0;
                    } elsif ($insim) {
                        if ($indesc) {
                            if ($tag =~ /^<\/description>/) {
                                $indesc = 0;
                                prt("$xln: End description\n") if ($dbg_cac05);
                            } else {
                                $desc .= ' ' if length($desc);
                                $desc .= $line;
                        } elsif ($inauth) {
                            if ($tag =~ /^<\/author>/) {
                                $inauth = 0;
                            } else {
                                $auth .= ' ' if length($auth);
                                $auth .= $line;
                        } elsif ($infdm) {
                            if ($tag =~ /^<\/flight-model>/) {
                                $infdm = 0;
                            } else {
                                $fdm .= ' ' if length($fdm);
                                $fdm .= $line;
                        } elsif ($instatus) {
                            if ($tag =~ /^<\/status>/) {
                                $instatus = 0;
                            } else {
                                $status .= ' ' if length($status);
                                $status .= $line;
                        } elsif ($inrating) {
                            if ($tag =~ /^<\/rating>/) {
                                $inrating = 0;
                            } else {
                                $rating .= get_rate_num($line);
                        } else {
                            if ($tag =~ /^<\/sim>/) {
                                $insim = 0;
                                prt("$xln: End sim\n") if ($dbg_cac05);
                            } elsif ($tag =~ /^<description>/) {
                                $indesc = 1;
                                prt("$xln: Bgn description\n") if ($dbg_cac05);
                            } elsif ($tag =~ /^<author>/) {
                                $inauth = 1;
                            } elsif ($tag =~ /^<flight-model>/) {
                                $infdm = 1;
                            } elsif ($tag =~ /^<status>/) {
                                $instatus = 1;
                            } elsif ($tag =~ /^<rating>/) {
                                $inrating = 1;
                    } elsif (($tag =~ /^<sim>/)||($tag =~ /^<sim\b/)) {
                        $insim = 1;
                        prt("$xln: Bgn sim\n") if ($dbg_cac05);
                    } elsif (($tag =~ /^<ident>/)||($tag =~ /^<ident\b/)) {
                        $inident = 1;
                    } elsif ($inident) {
                        if ($tag =~ /^<\/ident>/) {
                            $inident = 0;
                    } elsif (($tag =~ /^<model>/)||($tag =~ /^<model\b/)) {
                        $inmodel = 1;
                        prt("$xln: Bgn model [$act_name]\n"); # if ($dbg_cac05);
                    } elsif ($inmodel) {
                        if ($inpath) {
                            if ($tag =~ /^<\/path>/) {
                                $inpath = 0;
                                prt("$xln: End path  [$act_name]\n"); # if ($dbg_cac05);
                            } else {
                                $modfile = $tag;
                                prt("$xln: Model file $modfile\n"); # if ($dbg_cac05);
                        } elsif ($tag =~ /^<path>/) {
                            $inpath = 1;
                            prt("$xln: Bgn path  [$act_name]\n"); # if ($dbg_cac05);
                        } elsif ($tag =~ /^<\/model>/) {
                            prt("$xln: End model  [$act_name]\n"); # if ($dbg_cac05);
                            $inmodel = 0;
                } elsif ($tag =~ /^<PropertyList/) {
                    %atthash = array_2_hash_on_equals(@attribs);
                    $inpl = 1;
                    prt("$xln: Bgn PropertyList\n") if ($dbg_cac05);
                    if (defined $atthash{'include'}) {
                        $inc = strip_quotes($atthash{'include'});
                        $ff = $act_dir.$inc;
                        if (-f $ff) {
                        } else {
                            prtw("WARNING: Can NOT locate INCLUDE file [$inc] [$ff]\n");
                } elsif ($tag =~ /^<model/) {
    } else {
        prtw( "WARNING: Failed to open $setfil ...\n" );
    # note the $air may NOT be the ACTUAL directory name
    #              0     1        2      3      4     5        6        7           8
    push(@{$rok}, [$air, $setfil, $desc, $auth, $fdm, $status, $rating, \@includes, $model_file]);
    ###$hash{'OK'} = [@oks];
    $hash{'OK'} = $rok;
   return %hash;


### Process an INPUT fg aircraft folder
### Collect the SET files for post processing
sub process_aircraft_folder {
   my ($inf) = shift;
   my @ok = ();
   my @failed = ();
   my %hash = ();
   my (@dfiles, $df);
   my (@setfiles, @aircraft, $i, $setcnt);
   prt( "Processing $inf folder ...\n" );
   write2file( "Processing $inf folder ...\n",$tempxml ) if ($dbg_cac02);
   my $dotcnt = 0;
   my $mxdots = 70;
    my ($fl,$ff,$air,$setfil);
    @setfiles = ();
    @aircraft = ();
    $setcnt = 0;
   if ( opendir( DIR, $inf ) ) {
      my @files = readdir(DIR);
      closedir DIR;
      # maybe get all the ???-set.xml files ...
        # ====================================
      foreach $fl (@files) {
         next if (($fl eq '.') || ($fl eq '..'));
         next if ($fl eq 'CVS');
         next if ($fl eq '.svn');
         $ff = $inf . "\\" . $fl;
         $setcnt = 0;
         $air = $fl;
         if (-d $ff) {
            # maybe the FOLDER contains ???-set.xml file(s) ...
                my @arr = ();
                process_folder( $ff, \@arr, \@aircraft, 0 );
                $setcnt = scalar @arr;
            if ($setcnt) {
               if ($dbg_cac01) {
                  prt( "$fl = ok\n" );
               } else {
                  prt( '.' );
                  if ($dotcnt > $mxdots) {
                     $dotcnt = 0;
            } else {
               prt( "$fl = NOT FOUND $setfil\n" ) if ($dbg_cac01);
                    #               0    1    2      3      4     5        6
               #push(@failed, [$fl, $fl, $desc, $auth, $fdm, $status, $rating]);
               push(@failed, [$fl, $fl, "",     "",    "",   "",      ""]);
      prt("\n") if (!$dbg_cac01 && $dotcnt);
   } else {
      pgm_exit(1, "ERROR: Unable to open $inf ...\n" );
    $setcnt = scalar @setfiles;
    my $list = "air,setfile\n";
    for ($i = 0; $i < $setcnt; $i++) {
        $air    = $aircraft[$i];
        $setfil = $setfiles[$i];
        $list .= "$air,$setfil\n";
    prt("Begin processing $setcnt *-set.xml files... list $out_sets\n");
    ###pgm_exit(1,"TEMP EXIT\n");
    for ($i = 0; $i < $setcnt; $i++) {
        $air    = $aircraft[$i];
        $setfil = $setfiles[$i];
   $hash{'FAILED'} = [ @failed ];
   my @oks = ();
    if ($ord_byfdm) {
        @oks = sort mycmp_ascend_a4 @ok;
    } elsif ($ord_author) {
        @oks = sort mycmp_ascend_a3 @ok;
    } elsif ($ord_status) {
        @oks = sort mycmp_ascend_a5 @ok;
    } else {    # default alphabetic
        @oks = sort mycmp_ascend_asc_nc @ok;

   $hash{'OK'}     = [ @oks ];
   return %hash;

### Process the SET file as soon as it is FOUND
sub process_aircraft_folder_OK {
   my ($inf) = shift;
   my @ok = ();
   my @failed = ();
   my %hash = ();
   my (@dfiles, $df);
   my (@setfiles, @aircraft, $i, $setcnt);
   prt( "Processing $inf folder ...\n" );
   write2file( "Processing $inf folder ...\n",$tempxml ) if ($dbg_cac02);
   my $dotcnt = 0;
   my $mxdots = 70;
    my ($fl,$ff,$air,$setfil);
   if ( opendir( DIR, $inf ) ) {
      my @files = readdir(DIR);
      closedir DIR;
      # maybe get all the ???-set.xml files ...
        # ====================================
      foreach $fl (@files) {
         next if (($fl eq '.') || ($fl eq '..'));
         next if ($fl eq 'CVS');
         $ff = $inf . "\\" . $fl;
         $setcnt = 0;
         $air = $fl;
         if (-d $ff) {
            # maybe the FOLDER contains ???-set.xml file(s) ...
            @setfiles = ();
            @aircraft = ();
            $setcnt = 0;
                process_folder( $ff, \@setfiles, \@aircraft, 0 );
                $setcnt = scalar @setfiles;
            if ($setcnt) {
                    ### prt("Begin processing $setcnt *-set.xml files...\n");
               if ($dbg_cac01) {
                  prt( "$fl = ok\n" );
               } else {
                  prt( '.' );
                  if ($dotcnt > $mxdots) {
                     $dotcnt = 0;
               for ($i = 0; $i < $setcnt; $i++) {
                  $air    = $aircraft[$i];
                  $setfil = $setfiles[$i];
            } else {
               prt( "$fl = NOT FOUND $setfil\n" ) if ($dbg_cac01);
                    #               0    1    2      3      4     5        6
               #push(@failed, [$fl, $fl, $desc, $auth, $fdm, $status, $rating]);
               push(@failed, [$fl, $fl, "",     "",    "",   "",      ""]);
      prt("\n") if (!$dbg_cac01 && $dotcnt);
   } else {
      prtw( "ERROR: Unable to open $inf ...\n" );
   $hash{'FAILED'} = [ @failed ];
   my @oks = ();
    if ($ord_byfdm) {
        @oks = sort mycmp_ascend_a4 @ok;
    } elsif ($ord_author) {
        @oks = sort mycmp_ascend_a3 @ok;
    } elsif ($ord_status) {
        @oks = sort mycmp_ascend_a5 @ok;
    } else {    # default alphabetic
        @oks = sort mycmp_ascend_asc_nc @ok;

   $hash{'OK'}     = [ @oks ];
   return %hash;

sub mycmp_decend {
   return -1 if (lc($a) lt lc($b));
   return  1 if (lc($a) gt lc($b));
   return  0;
#sub mycmp_decend {
#   return 1 if (lc(${$a}[0]) lt lc(${$b}[0]));
#   return -1 if (lc(${$a}[0]) gt lc(${$b}[0]));
#   return 0;

sub show_air_hash($) {
    my $rh = shift;
    my @arr = keys %{$rh};
    my ($model,$val,$cnt,$acnt,$min,$len,$msg);
    @arr = sort mycmp_decend @arr;
    $min = 0;
    foreach $model (@arr) {
        $len = length($model);
        $min = $len if ($len > $min);
    $cnt = 0;
    # foreach $model (sort keys %air_hash) {
    my ($desc,$type,$size,$rate,$lnn,$max);
    # stats
    my $not_done = 0;
    my $not_rated = 0;
    my $no_rating = 0;
    my %hsize = ();
    my %htype = ();
    my %hrate = ();
    my $json = '{"success":true,"source":"';
    $json .= $pgmname;
    $json .= '","last_updated":"';
    $json .= lu_get_YYYYMMDD_hhmmss_UTC(time());
    $json .= ' UTC","aircraft":[';
    $json .= "\n";
    $max = scalar @arr;
    $cnt = 0;
    my $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'."\n";
    $xml .= '<air_list count="'.$max.'">'."\n";
    my $csv = "model,desc,type,size,rating\n";
    foreach $model (@arr) {
        $acnt = sprintf("%3d",$cnt);
        # $air_hash{$model} = 
        #  0     1     2     3
        # [$desc,$type,$size,$rate,$lnn,0,0];
        $val = ${$rh}{$model};
        $desc = ${$val}[0];
        $type = ${$val}[1];
        $size = ${$val}[2];
        $rate = ${$val}[3];
        $msg = '';
        $json .= '{"model":"'.$model.'"';
        $json .= ',"desc":"'.get_json($desc).'"';
        $json .= ',"type":"'.get_json($type).'"' if (length($type));
        $json .= ',"size":"'.get_json($size).'"' if (length($size));
        $json .= ',"rating":"'.get_json($rate).'"' if (length($rate));
        $json .= "}";
        $json .= "," if ($cnt < $max);
        $json .= "\n";
        $xml .= '<aircraft model="'.$model.'"';
        $xml .= ' desc="'.get_xml($desc).'"';
        $xml .= ' type="'.get_xml($type).'"' if (length($type));
        $xml .= ' size="'.get_xml($size).'"' if (length($size));
        $xml .= ' rating="'.get_xml($rate).'"' if (length($rate));
        $xml .= "/>\n";
        $csv .= $model.','.get_csv($desc).','.get_csv($type).','.get_csv($size).','.get_csv($rate)."\n";
        if (length($type) && length($size)) {
            if (defined $htype{$type}) {
            } else {
                $htype{$type} = 1;
            if (defined $hsize{$size}) {
            } else {
                $hsize{$size} = 1;
            if (length($rate)) {
                if (defined $hrate{$rate}) {
                } else {
                    $hrate{$rate} = 1;
            } else {
                $msg = " NO RATING";
        } else {
            $msg = " NOT DONE";

        # ===== output =====
        $model .= ' ' while (length($model) < $min);
        prt("$acnt: $model: ".join(",",@{$val})."$msg\n") if (VERB5());
    prt("Processed $cnt models... $not_done not dones, $no_rating no rating\n");
    @arr = sort keys(%htype);
    $len = scalar @arr;
    prt("Used $len 'types'...\n");
    prt(join(", ",@arr)."\n");

    @arr = sort keys(%hsize);
    $len = scalar @arr;
    prt("Used $len 'sizes'...\n");
    prt(join(", ",@arr)."\n");
    if (defined $hrate{'NR'}) {
        $len = $hrate{'NR'};
        prt("Found $len aircraft NOT rated\n");
    $json .= "]}\n";
    if (length($out_air_json)) {
        prt("Written JSON to [$out_air_json]\n");
    $xml .= '</air_list>'."\n";
    if (length($out_air_xml)) {
        prt("Written XML to [$out_air_xml]\n");
    if (length($out_air_csv)) {
        prt("Written CSV to [$out_air_csv]\n");

# ; 4|       33|         93|        105|      115|FDM/Sys/Cock/Mod
my $column1 = 4;
my $column2 = 93;
my $column3 = 105;
my $column4 = 115;
sub load_input_air_text() {

    if (length($input_air_text) == 0) {
        prtw("WARNING: No input air-text file given!\n");
    if (! open(INP, "<$input_air_text") ) {
        prtw("WARNING: Unable to open input air-text file [$input_air_text]!\n");
    my @lines = <INP>;
    close INP;
    my $lncnt = scalar @lines;
    prt("Processing $lncnt lines from [$input_air_text]...\n");
    my ($line,$len,$lnn,$ch,$pc,$off,$noff,$len2);
    my ($model,$desc,$type,$size,$rate,$modcnt,$rpts,$val);
    $lnn = 0;
    my $off1 = 4;
    my $off2 = 33;
    my $off3 = 93;
    my $off4 = 105;
    my $off5 = 114;
    $modcnt = 0;
    $rpts = 0;
    foreach $line (@lines) {
        chomp $line;
        $len = length($line);
        next if ($len == 0);
        next if ($line =~ /^\s+$/);
        next if ($line =~ /^;/);
        $model = '';
        $desc  = '';
        $type  = '';
        $size  = '';
        $rate  = '';

        $off = 4;
        $noff = 33;
        if ($len > 4) {
            $pc = substr($line,2,1);
            $ch = substr($line,3,1);
            if ($pc =~ /^\s+$/) {
                if ($ch =~ /^\s+$/) {
                    prtw("$lnn: FAILED 3=sp [$line]\n");
                } else {
                    # valid begin...
            } else {
                prtw("$lnn: FAILED 2=$pc [$line]\n");
            $len2 = $len > $off2 ? $off2 - $off1 - 1 : $len - $off1 + 1;
            $model = trim_all(substr($line,$off-1,$len2));
        $off = 33;
        $noff = 93;
        if ($len > 33) {
            $pc = substr($line,33-2,1);
            $ch = substr($line,33-1,1);
            if ($pc =~ /^\s+$/) {
                if ($ch =~ /^\s+$/) {
                    prtw("$lnn: FAILED 32=sp [$line]\n");
                } else {
                    # valid begin...
            } else {
                prtw("$lnn: FAILED 31=$pc [$line]\n");
            $len2 = $len > $off3 ? $off3 - $off2 - 1 : $len - $off2 + 1;
            $desc = trim_all(substr($line,$off-1,$len2));
        $off = 93;
        $noff = 105;
        if ($len > 93) {
            $pc = substr($line,93-2,1);
            $ch = substr($line,93-1,1);
            if ($pc =~ /^\s+$/) {
                if ($ch =~ /^\s+$/) {
                    prtw("$lnn: FAILED 92=sp [$line]\n");
                } else {
                    # valid begin...
            } else {
                prtw("$lnn: FAILED 91=$pc [$line]\n");
            $len2 = $len > $off4 ? $off4 - $off3 - 1 : $len - $off3 + 1;
            $type = trim_all(substr($line,$off-1,$len2));
        $off = 105;
        $noff = 114;
        if ($len > 105) {
            $pc = substr($line,105-2,1);
            $ch = substr($line,105-1,1);
            # ============================
            if ($pc =~ /^\s+$/) {
                if ($ch =~ /^\s+$/) {
                    prtw("$lnn: FAILED 104=sp [$line]\n");
                } else {
                    # valid begin...
            } else {
                prtw("$lnn: FAILED 105=$pc [$line]\n");
            # ============================
            $len2 = $len > $off5 ? $off5 - $off4 - 1 : $len - $off4 + 1;
            $size = trim_all(substr($line,$off-1,$len2));
        $off = 114;
        if ($len > $off) {
            $pc = substr($line,$off-2,1);
            $ch = substr($line,$off-1,1);
            # **********************************
                if ($pc =~ /^\s+$/) {
                    if ($ch =~ /^\s+$/) {
                        prtw("$lnn: FAILED ".($off-1)."=sp [$line]\n");
                    } else {
                        # valid begin...
                } else {
                    prtw("$lnn: FAILED ".($off-2)."=$pc [$line]\n");
            # **********************************
            $rate = substr($line,$off-1); # get end of line
        prt("$lnn: [$model] [$desc] [$type] [$size] [$rate]\n") if (VERB9());

        if (defined $air_hash{$model}) {
            $val = $air_hash{$model};
            prt("$lnn: [$model] [$desc] [$type] [$size] [$rate]\n");
            prt("Is a repeat of\n");
            prt("$model: ".join(",",@{$val})."\n");
        } else {
            $air_hash{$model} = [$desc,$type,$size,$rate,$lnn,0,0];
    prt("Collected $modcnt models, repeats $rpts\n");
    show_air_hash(\%air_hash); # if (VERB5());
    ###pgm_exit(1,"TEMP EXIT");


$| = 1;      # set no print output buffering
my %h = ();
if (-d $in_folder) {
    %h = process_aircraft_folder($in_folder);    # get LIST from ALL <aircraft>-set.xml files
} elsif (-f $in_folder) {
    my @a = ();
    if ($dbg_cac02) {
       write2file( "Processing $in_folder file...\n",$tempxml );
        ### prt("Writting xml to $tempxml\n");
    %h = process_set_file($in_folder,\@a,$in_folder);

show_hash_ref( \%h );   # output the list
if ($dbg_cac02) {   # this is really ONLY FOR DEBUG
    prt("Written ALL xml lines to [$tempxml]\n");



sub need_arg {
    my ($arg,@av) = @_;
    pgm_exit(1,"ERROR: [$arg] must have a following argument!\n") if (!@av);

sub parse_args {
    my (@av) = @_;
    my ($arg,$sarg,$msg);
    while (@av) {
        $arg = $av[0];
        if ($arg =~ /^-/) {
            $sarg = substr($arg,1);
            $sarg = substr($sarg,1) while ($sarg =~ /^-/);
            if (($sarg =~ /^h/i)||($sarg eq '?')) {
                pgm_exit(0,"Help exit(0)");
            } elsif ($sarg =~ /^v/) {
                if ($sarg =~ /^v.*(\d+)$/) {
                    $verbosity = $1;
                } else {
                    while ($sarg =~ /^v/) {
                        $sarg = substr($sarg,1);
                prt("Verbosity = $verbosity\n") if (VERB1());
            } elsif ($sarg =~ /^l/) {
                $load_log = 1;
                prt("Set to load log at end.\n") if (VERB1());
            #} elsif ($sarg =~ /^o/) {
            #    need_arg(@av);
            #    shift @av;
            #    $sarg = $av[0];
            #    $out_xml = $sarg;
            #    prt("Set out file to [$out_xml].\n") if (VERB1());
            } elsif ($sarg =~ /^s/) {
                shift @av;
                $sarg = $av[0];

                if ($sarg eq 'fdm') {
                    $ord_byfdm = 1;
                } elsif ($sarg eq 'author') {
                    $ord_author = 1;
                } elsif ($sarg eq 'status') {
                    $ord_status = 1;
                } else {
                    pgm_exit(1,"ERROR: Sort order can only be fdm|author|status, NOT [$sarg]\n");
                prt("Set SORT order per [$sarg]\n") if (VERB1());
            } else {
                pgm_exit(1,"ERROR: Invalid argument [$arg]! Try -?\n");
        } else {
            if (-d $arg) {
                $in_folder = $arg;
                prt("Set input to [$in_folder]\n") if (VERB1());
            } elsif (-f $arg) {
                $in_folder = $arg;
                prt("Set input to [$in_folder]\n") if (VERB1());
            } else {
                pgm_exit(1,"ERROR: Input [$arg] is neither folder, nor file!\n");
        shift @av;

    if ($debug_on) {
        prtw("WARNING: DEBUG is ON!\n");
        if (length($in_folder) ==  0) {
            #$in_folder = $def_file;
            $in_folder = $def_dir;
            prt("Set DEFAULT input to [$in_folder]\n");
            ###$load_log = 2;
            $verbosity = 1;
    $fg_root = $def_root;
    if (length($fg_root) == 0) {
        if (-d $def_root) {
            $fg_root = $def_root;
        } else {
            prt("Default root of $def_root is NOT VALID directory\n");
            pgm_exit(1,"Set root with '-r path' command!\n");

    if (length($in_folder) ==  0) {
        pgm_exit(1,"ERROR: No input folder found in command!\n");
    if ((! -d $in_folder) && (! -f $in_folder)) {
        pgm_exit(1,"ERROR: Unable to find in folder or file [$in_folder]! Check name, location...\n");

sub give_help {
    prt("$pgmname: version $VERS\n");
    prt("Usage: $pgmname [options] in-folder\n");
    prt(" --help  (-h or -?) = This help, and exit 0.\n");
    prt(" --verb[n]     (-v) = Bump [or set] verbosity. def=$verbosity\n");
    prt(" --load        (-l) = Load LOG at end. ($outfile)\n");
    prt(" --sort ord    (-s) = Sort order. Options are fdm|author|status. Default is alphabetic on model.\n");
    prt(" --root path   (-r) = Set FG_ROOT folder. (def=$def_root)\n");
    #prt(" --out <file>  (-o) = Write output to this file.\n");

# eof - fgchkaircraft.pl

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