imgview03.php to HTML



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<title>Image Viewer 3</title>


/* imgview03.php
 AIM: To read a directory, finding thumbs, and allow viewing of
 then in a table of images, paged ...
 If there exists a full-size image of the SAME name, minus
 the -t, then allow click loading of that image, into another
 window ...
 10 December, 2005 Geoff McLane

$package = 'imgview03.php'; // set SELF name
$g_actpage = 1;
$g_type = 'a';
// for test $g_file = 'c:/HOMEPAGE/Max5/ozimages/oz_aug93-n.jpg';
$g_file = '';
// get the page value, if any
if (isset($_GET['page'])) { $g_actpage = $_GET['page']; }
if (isset($_GET['type'])) { $g_type = $_GET['type']; }
if (isset($_GET['file'])) { $g_file = $_GET['file']; }
if($g_actpage < 1) $g_actpage = 1;

$in_fold = 'G:/HOMEPAGE/P26/antony/';
//$in_fold = '';
$thumb_folder = $in_fold.'final';
$full_folder = $in_fold.'final';
$inp_file = '';
$full_file = '';
$full_file_n = '';
$file_count = 0;
$m_row_wrap = 5; // establish row WRAP
$m_max_out = 15; // establish MAX images

$m_pg_max = 10; // establish MAXIMUM pages to show in menu line

$meol = "\r\n";
$g_filearr = array(); // store the found items here
// offset in the array gathered
$arr_tn = 0;
$arr_ff = 1;
$arr_sz = 2;
$arr_tm = 3;
$arr_st = 4;

getfilearr (); // collect the ARRAY of THUMBS - must have -t
$imgcnt = count( $g_filearr ); // this is count of images
if (($imgcnt == 0) || (ordFileList_by_date() == 0) ) {
   print "<p>No image count, or order failed! </p>\r\n";
   print '<p align="center"><a href="index.htm">Index</a></p>' . $meol;
$got_one_file = 0;
if ( strlen($g_file) && file_exists($g_file) ) {
   $got_one_file = 1;
$rmi = $imgcnt % $m_max_out;
$cnt = ($imgcnt - $rmi) / $m_max_out; // get PAGE count
if($rmi) $cnt++;   // bump one more page
//echo "Got $imgcnt files rmi=$rmi pages=$cnt tot=" . ($cnt * $m_max_out) . " ap=$g_actpage<br>$meol";
$max = $m_pg_max; // normal MAXIMUM page display
if($cnt < $max) $max = $cnt;
if($g_actpage > $cnt) $g_actpage = $cnt;
$pg = 0;
$sp = 0;
$rm = $g_actpage % $m_pg_max; // get remainder
$sp = ($g_actpage - $rm) / $m_pg_max; // get start page
//echo "Got $cnt pages max=$max rm=$rm sp=$sp... ap=$g_actpage<br>$meol";
$rmsg = 'Select Page: ';
$i = 0;
$pg = 1 + ($sp * $m_pg_max);
$mp = $pg + $m_pg_max - 1;
if($mp > $cnt) $mp = $cnt;
$rng = "(Range: $pg-$mp of $cnt)";
if($pg > $m_pg_max) {
   $rmsg .= $meol . "<a href=\"$package?page=" . $pg . '">Previous</a> ';
for( $i = 0; $i < $max; $i++ ) {
   $pg = $i + 1 + ($sp * $m_pg_max);
   if($pg > $cnt) break;
   if( $g_type == '*' ) {
   $rmsg .= $meol . "<a href=\"$package?page=" . $pg . '">' . $pg . '</a> ';
   } else {
   if(( $pg == $g_actpage ) && ($got_one_file == 0)) {
   $rmsg .= add_bold($pg). ' ';
   } else {
   $rmsg .= $meol . "<a href=\"$package?page=" . $pg . '">' . $pg . '</a> ';
if($pg < $cnt) {
   $rmsg .= $meol . "<a href=\"$package?page=" . $pg . '">More</a> ';

if (( $g_type == '*' ) && ($got_one_file == 0) ) {
   $rmsg .= add_bold('All').' ';
} else {
   $rmsg .= $meol . "<a href=\"$package?page=" . $g_actpage . '&type=*">All</a> ';

$msg = $meol . '<table width="100%" border="0"><tr>'.$meol;
$msg .= '<td width="30%" align="left">' . $meol;
$msg .= $rmsg . $meol;
if ( $got_one_file ) {
   $msg .= '</td><td width="30%" align="center">Full Image View' . $meol;
} else {
   $msg .= '</td><td width="30%" align="center">Click on Image to Enlarge' . $meol;
$msg .= '</td><td width="30%" align="right">' . $rng . $meol;
$msg .= '</td></tr></table>' . $meol;
print add_b_span($msg) . $meol;

// now to output the table of images
$is = (($g_actpage - 1) * $m_max_out);
print $meol . '<table width="100%" border="2">'.$meol;
// if ( strlen($g_file) && file_exists($g_file) ) {
if ( $got_one_file ) {
   print '<tr>' . $meol;
   print '<td align="center" valign="center">' . $meol;
   $parts = split("/",$g_file);
   $pc = count($parts);
   $alt = 'File is ' . $parts[$pc-1]; // last part is FILE NAME
   $alt .= ' ' . date("F d Y H:i:s.", filemtime($g_file));
   $alt .= ' ' . filesize($g_file) . ' bytes';
   print '<img src="' . $g_file . '" alt="' . $alt . '" />';
   print '</td></tr>' . $meol;
} elseif ($g_type == '*') {
   // output ALL images
   for( $i = 0; $i < $imgcnt; $i++ ) {
   $pg = $i;
   if( ($i % $m_row_wrap) == 0 ) {
   print '<tr>' . $meol;
   print '<td align="center" valign="center">' . $meol;
   print get_img_msg2($pg) . $meol;
   print "</td>$meol";
   if( (($i + 1) % $m_row_wrap) == 0 ) {
   print '</tr>' . $meol;
   if( ($i % $m_row_wrap) != 0 ) {
   while( ($i % $m_row_wrap) != 0 ) {
   print '<td align="center" valign="center">' . $meol;
   print "No image";
   print "</td>$meol";
   print '</tr>' . $meol;
} else {
   // NOT ALL - output a SUBSET
   for( $i = 0; $i < $m_max_out; $i++ ) { // for the set of images
   $pg = $i + $is;
   if( ($i % $m_row_wrap) == 0 ) {
   print '<tr>' . $meol;
   print '<td align="center" valign="center">' . $meol;
   print get_img_msg2($pg) . $meol;
   print "</td>$meol";
   if( (($i + 1) % $m_row_wrap) == 0 ) {
   print '</tr>' . $meol;
print '</table>' . $meol;

// ############################
// helper functions
// ############################
function get_img_msg2( $in_num )
   global $imgcnt, $g_filearr;
   global $arr_tn, $arr_ff, $arr_sz, $arr_tm, $arr_st;
   global $meol;
   global $g_actpage, $g_type, $package;
   $rmsg = '';
   $num = $in_num + 1;
   if($in_num < $imgcnt) {
   for( $i = 0; $i < $imgcnt; $i++ ) {
   $arr = $g_filearr[$i];
   if( $arr[$arr_st] == $num )
   break; // found our ORDER number
   if( $i < $imgcnt ) {
   $arr = $g_filearr[$i];
   $ffl = strlen($arr[$arr_ff]);
   if($ffl) { // we have a FULL file
   $fn = $arr[$arr_ff];
   $rmsg .= "<a href=\"$package?page=$g_actpage&type=$g_type&file=";
   $rmsg .= $arr[$arr_ff] . '">' . $meol;
   } else {
   $fn = $arr[$arr_tn];
   $parts = split("/",$fn);
   $pc = count($parts);
   $alt = 'File is ' . $parts[$pc-1]; // last part is FILE NAME
   $alt .= ' ' . date("F d Y H:i:s.", $arr[$arr_tm]);
   $alt .= ' ' . $arr[$arr_sz] . ' bytes';
   $rmsg .= '<img src="' . $arr[$arr_tn] . '" alt="' . $alt . '" />';
   if($ffl) $rmsg .= $meol . '</a>';
   if( strlen($rmsg) == 0 ) {
   $rmsg .= "No image";
   return $rmsg;

function add_bold ( $msg ) {
   return '<b>' . $msg . '</b>';

function add_b_span ( $msg ) {
   return '<span style="background-color: #eeeeff;"><font style="color: black;">'. $msg . '</font></span>';

function add_b_span2 ( $msg ) {
   return '<span style="background-color: #0066cc;"><font style="color:#ffffff; font-size:small;">'. $msg.'</font></span>';

function ProcessFile ( $in_file, $f_folder, $f_file, $f_file_n )
   global $meol;
   global $g_filearr;
   $ff = $f_folder . '/' . $f_file;
   $ffn = $f_folder . '/' . $f_file_n;
   $fff = $ff;
   $arr = array();
   $arr[] = $in_file; // store the THUMB file name = $arr_tn = 0;
   if( file_exists( $ff ) ) {
   $fff = $ff;
   } elseif ( file_exists ( $ffn ) ) {
   $fff = $ffn;
   } else {
   $fff = $ff;
   if( file_exists( $fff ) ) {
   //echo "Found full file $ff ...<br>$meol";
   $arr[] = $fff; // store the FULL file name = $arr_ff = 1;
   $arr[] = filesize($fff); // add file size = $arr_sz = 2;
   $arr[] = filemtime($fff); // and time = $arr_tm = 3;
   } else {
   //echo "NO full file $ff found! ...<br>$meol";
   $arr[] = ''; // signal NO full file found
   $arr[] = filesize($in_file);
   $arr[] = filemtime($in_file);
   $arr[] = 0; // no SORT ORDER yet = $arr_st = 4;
   $g_filearr[] = $arr; // store this file information...

function IsMYFile( $in_file )
{   // this is a VERY SPECIALISED filter
   global $full_file, $full_file_n; // where to STORE the FULL FILE NAME
   global $meol;
   // separate file name and extention
   $parts = split("\.", $in_file);
   $pc = count($parts);
   if( $pc > 1 ) {
   $file_ext = $parts[$pc-1]; // last part is FILE NAME
   $filea = array_slice($parts,0,$pc-1);
   $file_tit = implode( ".", $filea );
   } else {
   $file_tit = $in_file;
   $file_ext = "";
   // (a) I only want '.jpg' files
   if( strtolower( $file_ext ) != 'jpg' ) {
   //echo "IsMYFile: FAILED TEST 1 - not a jpeg file ...<br>$meol";
   return 0; // failed test 1
   // (b) File name length MUST be greater than 2
   $fnl = strlen($file_tit);
   if( $fnl <= 2 ) {
   //echo "IsMYFile: FAILED TEST 2 - does not have length ...<br>$meol";
   return 0; // failed length test 2
   // (c) The file name MUST end in '-t'
   if( substr($file_tit, -2, 2) != '-t' ) {
   //echo "IsMYFile: FAILED TEST 3 - title $file_tit missing '-t' ...<br>$meol";
   return 0; // failed test 3
   // get name, without the '-t'
   $ffn = substr($file_tit, 0, ($fnl - 2));
   $full_file = $ffn . '.jpg';
   $full_file_n = $ffn . '-n.jpg';
   return 1;

function getfilearr ()
   global $thumb_folder, $full_folder, $full_file, $full_file_n;
   global $file_count, $meol;
   $mydir = opendir($thumb_folder) ;
   if( !$mydir ) {
   echo "ERROR: Can not OPEN directory [$thumb_folder] ... aborting ... <br>$meol";
   return 0;
   while($fn = readdir($mydir)) //scan through the whole directory
   if( !(($fn == '.') || ($fn == '..')) ) {
   $inp_file = $thumb_folder . '/' . $fn;
   //echo "Processing file $inp_file ...<br>$meol";
   if( IsMYFile( $fn ) ) {
   ProcessFile($inp_file, $full_folder, $full_file, $full_file_n);
   return $file_count;

function ordFileList_by_date () {
   global $g_filearr; // this is the LIST of found files do display
   global $arr_tm, $arr_st;
   $imx = count( $g_filearr ); // get COUNT of FOUND ITEMS - full list of arrays
   if($imx == 0) {
   return 0;
   $imx2 = $imx; // copy count
   $got_ord = 1;
   // SORT the array of files, per their FILETIME
   // iterate, finding the most recent, non-ordered, each time
   while($imx2) { // set order to N, N-1, N-2, ..., 1 ... note 1 is last
   $ft = 0; // start with zero time
   $idx = $imx;
   for($i = 0; $i < $imx; $i++) {
   $arr = $g_filearr[$i]; // extract array
   if( $arr[$arr_st] == 0 ) { // if NO SORT
   if( $arr[$arr_tm] > $ft ) { // if later
   $ft = $arr[$arr_tm]; // get it,
   $idx = $i;   // keeping the index to it
   } // check each FILETIME ...
   if( $idx < $imx ) {
   // found highest, latest, NOT previously ORDERED ... (nnn ... 1)
   $arr = $g_filearr[$idx]; // extract array, of file things
   $arr[$arr_st] = $imx2; // set ORDER - N to 1
   $g_filearr[$idx] = $arr; // replace array, with value update
   // print "<p>Set order $arr[3]!</p>\r\n";
   } else {
   //print "<p>No order! Internal error, or filetime is ZERO!</p>\r\n";
   $got_ord = 0;
   return $got_ord; // 1 = success - should NEVER be zero


<p align="center"><a href="index.htm">Index</a>



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