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This is my 'perl' area ... some things from everywhere ...
Perl Reference: Just some simple functions, descriptions and personal sample code ...
Perl Regular Expressions: Perl regex
Perl Classes: Simplest of example ...
amsrcs: Set of perl scripts which work like the auto-tools in unix, to generate a set of MSVC build files for the project.
ASCII: Simple ASCII chart ...
Publishing Perl Scripts:
p2h03: This seems to do a much better job than all the 5, 6, and 8 below ...
p2h04: And this is SIMPLER still ... no color, but convenient selection ...
Perl 1: Installation in XP ... simple command argument sample ...
Perl 2: Simple text to html bits ... ISAPI ...
Perl 3: Some hyperlink reference ... from simple Yahoo searches ...
Perl 4: Socket server sample ... with some experiments in color coding perl code ...
Perl 5: Perl code to colorful HTML sample ... p2html8.pl ... still not right ... ugh ;=))
Perl 6: Struggling with colors, and weight of HTML ... by p2html10.pl ... looking better ... but is a 600K color-coded-mess ;=))
Perl 8: p2html12.pl - Separating 'functions' into 'include', require, in perl, files ... in process ... and the required files colours.pl, colour2.pl, eppearl.pl, and p2hutil.pl ... this was eventually abandoned before is functioned completely and is now replaced by p2h03, and p2h04 above ... and a color table, generated by colortable.pl ...
Perl 7: A clean-up perl script, to read a directory, and build a cleanup.bat file ...
Samples: Just a PERSONAL (or downloaded) list of sample Perl scripts, color coded... a few are available in direct download form. Or per a simple list, showing AIM, if any, 'use' items, and 'sub' list. Note this a large file, and the list my be older or newer than the 'samples'!
This is just a link to a Table of ZIPS of _ALL_ my PERSONAL (or downloaded) perl samples. Zip may be older or newer than samples! Only that latest is listed below.
Date | Link | Size | MD5 |
2016/09/12 | perl-15.zip | 7,724,167 | aab31f9ecf93aeeda7c689ba8ef1c910 |